Hello All:
As I mentioned in that last blog, I am going to be posting this play list for restaurant reviews for this year. I will be adding to this play list as time passes this year, but I at least wanted to have you all watch my newest list of restaurants that I have eaten at and discuss so far this year.
As I did last year, (in 2010), I will definately be adding on to this play list as time passes, so please come back and see if I have added on to this play list yet or not. I will also (at the end of this year, like I did last year) be adding videos in separate videos of the "Best Eats of 2011" then the "Worst Eats of 2011." So far, there is no restaurants on the later list just yet, but the year is still young, (if you want to call it that, considering that today is April 2, 2011!) I could add to the two (2) afore mentioned lists at any time.
In this play list, I talk about the York Street Café and the fact that it is reported to be haunted at one time. I hope that you enjoy watching these videos.
In this play list, I talk about the York Street Café and the fact that it is reported to be haunted at one time. I hope that you enjoy watching these videos.
Any way, enough babbling about the end of the year lists, when we have a play list to watch! So, here is the play list for all of you! I hope that you come back to see if I have added anything new here!
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