Monday, December 20, 2010

Now For The Bad Local Eats of 2010

Hi All:
Here (assuming that it actually goes through without a real issue) is the companion video for the last blog's video that I just posted.  This video is called "Bad/Terrible Local Eats for 2010."

Tony & I also collaborated on this below video as well about restaurants that we thought, well, in a word  --  stunk, (and I'm being polite here!!)  These restaurants will more than likely not be receiving return vists from Tony and myself for the reasons that I discuss in the below video.

One of my personally funny thoughts in relation to this video is that I am big on following through whenever somebody tells you that they're going to do something.  I mention one (1) of the restaurants on this list that I'm 100% sure that I am not going to go back to on here didn't follow through on something that they said to me and I share it on this video with all of you this evening, (but you'll have to watch the video to find out where and what I'm talking about here!!)

Any way, folks, here is the video for you tonight!  Happy watching all of you!!  :)

The Great Local (Sort Of!) Eats For 2010

Hello All:

Since it's almost New Year's Eve 2010, Tony and I have complied this list of what we feel is great local eats/restaurants (sort of!) here in the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati, (Ohio) area.  I just thought that I would share this below video with all of you this evening, folks!

Oh, and if you're wondering if I'm going to do a "Bad Local Eats for 2010"  --  I am going to post that video in a separate blog here as soon as it finishes uploading over in you tube!  So keep an eye out for that other video!

Any way, here's to the "Great Local (Sort of!) Eats of 2010" for the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati, (Ohio) area!  I hope that you enjoy the below video!!