Hello All:
Now for something different -- I am actually going to type this review/commentary instead of doing a video about it here. I am typing this blog for 2 very simple reasons. One: I am really too stinking tired right now to kick on either my eye ball camera or my digital camera to record the video that I would have shot for this blog, (not to mention that I'm currently in my pajamas right now and I do not shoot videos of me in my pajamas, folks -- I wouldn't want to scare you away from reading and/or watching later blogs here!!) Two: I am going to do some serious bashing here then promote this physically typed blog in a video that I will post over in the blog chain that talks about stupid stuff from you tube at a later time, (like on Tuesday or Wednesday here.)
Ok, with all of that above stuff said, I have some stuff that I am now going to share with all of you here. Last night, Tony and I met at the Ruby Tuesday's restaurant here in Cold Spring, Kentucky. The restaurant is nice, but there was a major problem sitting behind Tony in the restaurant last night here.
The "Major problem" was that about 5-10 minutes after Tony showed up, these 3 people showed up with a child about a year old. The child was a little girl, who immediately started screaming her head off, as quick as the girl's parents and apparently the lady who was the child's grandmother started to sit down at the table directly behind Tony. This went on the whole time that Tony and I were sitting there at the table.
Of course, the grandmother appoligized to me for the kid screaming its head off and both the grandmother and the kid's own mom took the child out of the restaurant to hopefully shut the kid up from screaming bloody murder. It was not ok, but it got really old, really quick.
Looking back now, I should have asked the server if it was okay if Tony and I moved, because we didn't want to be sitting by that kid and its family, if the child was going to keep screaming its lungs out while Tony and I were trying to quietly eat and enjoy our meals last night. What is even more annoying is that the kid's dad did absolutely nothing to shut the kid up. (Which if that kid had been me and I had been acting that rotten at a restaurant back in the day, I am 100% sure that my dad would have yanked my butt up and marched me out of the restaurant, then my dad would have given me a sound spanking outside of the restaurant and we would have not gone back in to the restaurant to eat -- my parents were sticklers on me being a well behaved child. Of course, I'm not saying that I was ever this annoying in a restaurant, [I never was, really, folks!!], but I have had enough of people's children being punks in a restaurant.)
I am of the opinion that if you have a child or children that absolutely screams its/their lungs out in a restaurant over anything, every single stinking time you take it/them in to a restaurant, the following things need to be said to you, the child's parent:
One: Either shut your kid up or leave, because the other patrons aren't paying to hear your heathen holler/behave badly here. You know, there's more people in here not paying for the unpleasant company that your child/children are providing to them. I am sure that the restaurant can afford to write off your beverages, because there's other people who came here to not listen your punk child/children throw a fit over x,y or z.
Two: It's a sad commentary on you personally that the child/children aren't sitting there and being quiet, because it means that you don't give a damn about how you are interrupting other people's meals or what your child/children are doing here. It is apparent that you have no respect for the people around you or yourself, because it makes you look like a slacker, if you aren't making your children mind or if you cannot get them under control by discipline that you have apparently lost control in the home as well here.
I really don't like screaming kids in a restaurant. I said loud enough for the dad to hear: "Why don't they take that kid home and put it to bed now?? I didn't want to sit here and try to eat my dinner, while I am forced to listen to that child holler the whole time."
The grandmother and mom brought the little girl back in after about 10-15 minutes of having the child outside, (which was heavenly to not be subjected to the child's screaming fits here!!) As quick as the child was brought back in to the restaurant, she immediately started hollering and thowing a fit yet again. *groan* I am thinking the whole time that the kid's dad is sitting there behind Tony in the other booth: "Why doesn't the guy sitting there behind Tony just tell the waiter 'Hey look, I realize that my daughter is bothering the people behind/around me. Can I just order some food for my mom, wife and myself to go and pay now? I will wait out in the lobby for my order, then I'll leave, thanks.' How responsible that dad would be if he left and took that kid with him here!!"
This kid's grandmother looked at me after Tony and I paid our tab as I was leaving and the stupid woman said to me: "You don't have kids at home, do you?"
I didn't grace the stupid woman with an answer to her question. I just glared at the woman and walked out of the restaurant, in to the night, shortly behind my husband, Tony.
What is truly wierd is that right as Tony and I were finishing up our meal, the kid started laughing and being all happy here. The kid being happy ticked me off even more so, because the kid's incessant crying and fit throwing kept me from enjoying my supper inside of the restaurant. It was almost like the kid was trained to make Tony and I not enjoy our suppers by subjecting us to listening to her screaming and crying the whole time or at least part of the time at any rate here.
As for Ruby Tuesday's food on the other hand, it was great. I just wish that I could have had a "Quiet meal in a somewhat nice restaurant" here last night, but oh well. As I mentioned above -- I am going to do a couple of videos about eating in Ruby Tuesday's last night and talk about how obnoxious the kid was here and how good the food was in the restaurant. I am going to mainly focus on the annoying kid part in the first video, (the one that I am going to post over in my "Ignorant Crap" or the blog titled something like that here) then I am going to post a second video, [I might even throw them in to a play list and put them on both this blog and the other 1 as well, but we'll see here.]
Any way, folks, that is all I have to say for right now. I hope that you have a great week. I will be doing some more blogging here soon!! :)