Monday, December 20, 2010

Now For The Bad Local Eats of 2010

Hi All:
Here (assuming that it actually goes through without a real issue) is the companion video for the last blog's video that I just posted.  This video is called "Bad/Terrible Local Eats for 2010."

Tony & I also collaborated on this below video as well about restaurants that we thought, well, in a word  --  stunk, (and I'm being polite here!!)  These restaurants will more than likely not be receiving return vists from Tony and myself for the reasons that I discuss in the below video.

One of my personally funny thoughts in relation to this video is that I am big on following through whenever somebody tells you that they're going to do something.  I mention one (1) of the restaurants on this list that I'm 100% sure that I am not going to go back to on here didn't follow through on something that they said to me and I share it on this video with all of you this evening, (but you'll have to watch the video to find out where and what I'm talking about here!!)

Any way, folks, here is the video for you tonight!  Happy watching all of you!!  :)

The Great Local (Sort Of!) Eats For 2010

Hello All:

Since it's almost New Year's Eve 2010, Tony and I have complied this list of what we feel is great local eats/restaurants (sort of!) here in the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati, (Ohio) area.  I just thought that I would share this below video with all of you this evening, folks!

Oh, and if you're wondering if I'm going to do a "Bad Local Eats for 2010"  --  I am going to post that video in a separate blog here as soon as it finishes uploading over in you tube!  So keep an eye out for that other video!

Any way, here's to the "Great Local (Sort of!) Eats of 2010" for the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati, (Ohio) area!  I hope that you enjoy the below video!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Update on A Situation With A Restaurant

Hello All:

Here is an update on a previous vlog that I did here that I just wanted to share with all of you tonight.  This vlog is about the restaurant in Florence, Kentucky that I was ragging on back on Saturday, May 22, 2010  --  Cheddar's restaurant.  I have an update on the situation with me leaving comments on the restaurant's web page here that I wanted to share with everybody tonight, while I was still thinking about it.

This below video also goes really well with the other vlog about Doctor Pepper that I wanted to share with all of you tonight as well.  This video was the one that caused me to actually vlog about Doctor Pepper in the first place any way, folks.  So please enjoy the video and have a great night!!  :)

Drink Or Product Review & A Story

Hello All:

Here is a beverage of the non-alcholic persausion here.  I did a product review of Doctor Pepper.  I also talk about Jack Daniels and Jim Beam in relation to Doctor Pepper in this video as well  --  not that I am trying to promote drinking alchol  --  I just get to talking about how I mixed either Jack Daniels or Jim Beam one night with Doctor Pepper and I enjoyed what I imbed afterwards here.

Enjoy watching the below video, folks and I hope that you have a great night!!  Please keep an eye out for new posts!!  :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shitty Restaurant Review -- DO NOT GO To The Place Mentioned In This Blog!!

Hello All:

I have posted this following information on another one of my blogs, but I just wanted to share it here as well, since it is about food and restaurants, after all. The restaurant mentioned in the below video is called Cheddar's and there is one located in Florence, Kentucky.  The service that Tony and I receive there was able to be defined in exactly one word and that word would be shit!  There is absolutely, postively no excuse for the waiter's behavior in either my husband, Tony's mind or my mind at all. Granted, I realize (as does Tony) that the waiter was dealing with a packed restaurant, but that still doesn't excuse the guy from acting like a shit towards me and basically ignoring Tony all together when it came to the drink order.

As I mention in the video below here, I did go online to the restaurant's main "Corporate" web page and I ratted them out to the corporate people. I really do hope that somebody up in the restaurant's corporate level calls me back at the phone number that I provided them, (because I did provide my actual name and contact number to them) and I (along with Tony) will rip whomever has the well, "Misfortune" of calling me (or more accurately us) here.

On a related note, (and I didn't say this in the below video either here), I am going to mention to whomever calls, (assuming that I actually talk to them on the phone here) that I have a you tube and this blogger page and I have already let the "Cat out of the bag" and posted information on this restaurant in a restaurant review. I am also going to let the person know (if they actually call and I talk to them directly here) that I am not going to reconsider my position on the restaurant in question here, even if they gave me free food there, because I am 99% sure that I would still probably end up with crappy service from that waiter.

Granted, I know first hand that working in a restaurant is hard, because I worked in McDonald's as my first job, so I am not being totally malicious here. I did cut the guy some level of slack here because of my working in a restaurant history here, just for the record, but where the guy was a outright shit towards both Tony and myself, that ended up costing the waiter pretty much a good tip in the end, (because I will tip good, if the server does a good job!! I tip based on attentiveness and attitude, which the guy was extremely inattentive and he had what I considered to be a piss poor attitude towards both Tony and myself here!!)

Any way, enough said above here. Now, here is the video, where I talk about what grade that I ended up giving the restaurant as a whole and other things as well! Happy watching, folks!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Eating Places According To Tony & Related Stuff

Hello All:

I just wanted to throw some video reviews of some restaurants on here from Tony, (my husband) and some "Related commentary" from me on here as well.  In this play list, Tony talks about O'Charley's and a few other local places, (such as Guys and Dolls) then some of the other dives in the area as well.  Tony does a 3 part commentary on O'Charley's and also talks about Japleno's here in Cold Spring, (Kentucky.)  The 3 parts of the O'Charley's videos are part 1: Us getting seated; part 2:  Us with our food and part 3:  The verdict that Tony gives, considering that it was Sweetest Day the day we shot these 3 videos.

Tony will be posting the Guys and Doll's restaurant video soon, so it will be in the below play list here shortly!!  Just check back in a few days to see if Tony has gotten around to posting that new video here.

Any way, folks  --  here is Tony's restaurant reviews in a play list for your viewing pleasure!!  Keep an eye out for new videos in this play list here from Tony.

Oh, and as a side note, before I forget  --  I talk about something in 1 of the videos here called "Here's your sign."  If you want further elaboration on what I am talking about in this video, you can watch the videos in the blog directly below this blog and you'll hear what I'm talking about in this video!!  Happy viewing, everybody!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Restaurant Commentary/Restaurant Reviews/Tipping Commentary And The Like

Hello All:

Now, as promised in that last blog here, I am "Officially" posting the videos that I was talking about in that blog.  I am also including some videos, (thrown in there along with the ones about the restaurant review and the commentary about the screaming child in the restaurant, mind you) about everything from a couple of videos about a couple who left a restaurant a while back who did not tip the wait staff to some previous restaurant reviews here.

As for the two videos about what happened on Monday or Tuesday at Ruby Tuesday's here locally to myself, I am not going to say where they are located in the below play list here, so you're going to just have to watch the play list to find out here.  On a related note, I am also going to be adding some videos after the two videos about what happened at Ruby Tuesday's earlier this week as well, (because I am going to be sharing some thoughts about other restaurants and stuff like that here) on this below play list.

So, if you watch the below play list now, (like around March 20, 2010) then come back and watch the below play list like say in June and you notice that there is more videos on this play list, don't say that you weren't warned now in advance, folks!!  Any way, I hope that you enjoyw watching the below videos here!!  :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Restaurant Commentary/Stupid Crying Children In The Restaurant

Hello All:

Now for something different  --  I am actually going to type this review/commentary instead of doing a video about it here.  I am typing this blog for 2 very simple reasons.  One:  I am really too stinking tired right now to kick on either my eye ball camera or my digital camera to record the video that I would have shot for this blog, (not to mention that I'm currently in my pajamas right now and I do not shoot videos of me in my pajamas, folks  --  I wouldn't want to scare you away from reading and/or watching later blogs here!!)  Two:  I am going to do some serious bashing here then promote this physically typed blog in a video that I will post over in the blog chain that talks about stupid stuff from you tube at a later time, (like on Tuesday or Wednesday here.)

Ok, with all of that above stuff said, I have some stuff that I am now going to share with all of you here.  Last night, Tony and I met at the Ruby Tuesday's restaurant here in Cold Spring, Kentucky.  The restaurant is nice, but there was a major problem sitting behind Tony in the restaurant last night here.

The "Major problem" was that about 5-10 minutes after Tony showed up, these 3 people showed up with a child about a year old.  The child was a little girl, who immediately started screaming her head off, as quick as the girl's parents and apparently the lady who was the child's grandmother started to sit down at the table directly behind Tony.  This went on the whole time that Tony and I were sitting there at the table.

Of course, the grandmother appoligized to me for the kid screaming its head off and both the grandmother and the kid's own mom took the child out of the restaurant to hopefully shut the kid up from screaming bloody murder.  It was not ok, but it got really old, really quick.

Looking back now, I should have asked the server if it was okay if Tony and I moved, because we didn't want to be sitting by that kid and its family, if the child was going to keep screaming its lungs out while Tony and I were trying to quietly eat and enjoy our meals last night.  What is even more annoying is that the kid's dad did absolutely nothing to shut the kid up.  (Which if that kid had been me and I had been acting that rotten at a restaurant back in the day, I am 100% sure that my dad would have yanked my butt up and marched me out of the restaurant, then my dad would have given me a sound spanking outside of the restaurant and we would have not gone back in to the restaurant to eat  --  my parents were sticklers on me being a well behaved child.  Of course, I'm not saying that I was ever this annoying in a restaurant, [I never was, really, folks!!], but I have had enough of people's children being punks in a restaurant.)

I am of the opinion that if you have a child or children that absolutely screams its/their lungs out in a restaurant over anything, every single stinking time you take it/them in to a restaurant, the following things need to be said to you, the child's parent:

One:  Either shut your kid up or leave, because the other patrons aren't paying to hear your heathen holler/behave badly here.  You know, there's more people in here not paying for the unpleasant company that your child/children are providing to them.  I am sure that the restaurant can afford to write off your beverages, because there's other people who came here to not listen your punk child/children throw a fit over x,y or z.

Two:  It's a sad commentary on you personally that the child/children aren't sitting there and being quiet, because it means that you don't give a damn about how you are interrupting other people's meals or what your child/children are doing here.  It is apparent that you have no respect for the people around you or yourself, because it makes you look like a slacker, if you aren't making your children mind or if you cannot get them under control by discipline that you have apparently lost control in the home as well here.

I really don't like screaming kids in a restaurant.  I said loud enough for the dad to hear:  "Why don't they take that kid home and put it to bed now??  I didn't want to sit here and try to eat my dinner, while I am forced to listen to that child holler the whole time."

The grandmother and mom brought the little girl back in after about 10-15 minutes of having the child outside, (which was heavenly to not be subjected to the child's screaming fits here!!)  As quick as the child was brought back in to the restaurant, she immediately started hollering and thowing a fit yet again.  *groan*  I am thinking the whole time that the kid's dad is sitting there behind Tony in the other booth:  "Why doesn't the guy sitting there behind Tony just tell the waiter 'Hey look, I realize that my daughter is bothering the people behind/around me.  Can I just order some food for my mom, wife and myself to go and pay now?  I will wait out in the lobby for my order, then I'll leave, thanks.'  How responsible that dad would be if he left and took that kid with him here!!"

This kid's grandmother looked at me after Tony and I paid our tab as I was leaving and the stupid woman said to me:  "You don't have kids at home, do you?"

I didn't grace the stupid woman with an answer to her question.  I just glared at the woman and walked out of the restaurant, in to the night, shortly behind my husband, Tony.

What is truly wierd is that right as Tony and I were finishing up our meal, the kid started laughing and being all happy here.  The kid being happy ticked me off even more so, because the kid's incessant crying and fit throwing kept me from enjoying my supper inside of the restaurant.  It was almost like the kid was trained to make Tony and I not enjoy our suppers by subjecting us to listening to her screaming and crying the whole time or at least part of the time at any rate here.

As for Ruby Tuesday's food on the other hand, it was great.  I just wish that I could have had a "Quiet meal in a somewhat nice restaurant" here last night, but oh well.  As I mentioned above  --  I am going to do a couple of videos about eating in Ruby Tuesday's last night and talk about how obnoxious the kid was here and how good the food was in the restaurant.  I am going to mainly focus on the annoying kid part in the first video, (the one that I am going to post over in my "Ignorant Crap" or the blog titled something like that here) then I am going to post a second video, [I might even throw them in to a play list and put them on both this blog and the other 1 as well, but we'll see here.]

Any way, folks, that is all I have to say for right now.  I hope that you have a great week.  I will be doing some more blogging here soon!!  :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

4 Must-Know Restaurants Secrets!

Posted on Tue, Jan 26, 2010, 4:01 pm PST Eat This, Not That

by David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding a Yahoo! Health Expert for Nutrition

If being an anonymous blip on a giant corporation’s assembly line makes you feel like a character in some bleak sci-fi movie, we’ve got good news. There are plenty of ways to fight back—to enjoy all the convenience of modern restaurants and all the foods you still like to eat without paying extra money every 6 months for a new pair of pants.

You see, all major restaurant chains—from the fast-food purveyors to the sandwich shops and coffee bars to the sit-down dinner joints with their vaguely Italian/Mexican/Chinese/whatever themes—operate with the same set of secrets, secrets they don’t want their customers to know. And if you know these secrets, well, guess what? The power to eat what you want and still stay slim is in your hands. Lucky you!

This list of sneaky secrets, straight from the book Eat This, Not That! Restaurant Survival Guide will help you start taking back control! And, even better, we’ve created an Eat This, Not That! iPhone app—it’s like having your own personal nutritionist at your fingertips!

Secret #1: Don’t get “supersized”
Sure, it feels like you’re getting a bargain because you’re getting proportionately more food for proportionately less money. But a “value meal” is only a value for two sets of people: the corporations that make the food and the corporations that make liposuction machines and heart stents. Because food is so inexpensive for manufacturers to produce on a large scale, your average fast-food emporium makes a hefty profit whenever you supersize your meal—even though you’re getting an average of 73 percent more calories for only 17 percent more money. But you’re not actually buying more food. You’re buying more calories. And that’s not something you want more of.

Secret #2: Remember, the waiter is a salesperson
A 2005 study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that you’re more likely to order a side dish when the server verbally prompts you. (“Do you want fries with that?”) Restaurants know this, and now you know it, too. When the waiter makes a suggestion, remember his job is not to make you happy. His job is to extract money from your wallet and insert fat in its place.

Secret #3: Don’t get too excited
You eat out all the time. A 2008 study in the International Food Research Journal found that people are less likely to make healthy restaurant choices when they feel that they’re dining out for a “special occasion.” And as we said, dining out used to be special. But before you head out to your next meal, really take stock of how many times you’ve eaten out this week. If you’re eating every meal at home and dining out truly is a once-a-week splurge, then don’t worry about it so much. But if you’re like most of us, eating out is probably more like a once-a-day splurge. And if that’s the case, remember, there’s nothing special here. Eat smart today because you’ll have to do it again tomorrow.

Bonus tip: Download our free Eat This, Not That! guide to shopping once and eating for a week—and save calories, time, and money!

Secret #4: Start small
Here’s the good news: No one is going to stop you from ordering seconds. So be like any good businessperson, and start small. Here’s exactly how expensive it really is whenever you go for the “bargain”:

■7-Eleven: Gulp to Double Gulp Coca-Cola Classic: 37 cents extra buys 450 more calories.

■Cinnabon: Minibon to Classic Cinnabon: 48 more cents buys 370 more calories.

■Movie theater: Small to medium unbuttered popcorn: 71 additional cents buys you 500 more calories.

■Convenience store: Regular to “The Big One” Snickers: 33 more cents packs on 230 more calories.

■McDonald’s: Quarter Pounder with Cheese to Medium Quarter Pounder with Cheese Extra Value Meal: An additional $1.41 gets you 660 more calories.

■Subway: 6-inch to 12-inch Tuna Sub: $1.53 more buys 420 more calories.

■Wendy’s: Classic Double with Cheese to Classic Double with Cheese Old Fashioned Combo Meal: $1.57 extra buys you 600 more calories.

■Baskin Robbins: Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Kids’ Scoop, to Double Scoop: For another $1.62, you’ve added 390 calories.

The bottom line on all this? For just a hair more than 8 bucks, you’ve bought yourself an additional 3,620 calories. If you ate each of these once a week, and you were to switch to the smaller size each time—again, still all your favorite foods, just in a more reasonable size—you’d save about $417 a year. It’s not going to buy you a new car, but it could put you on a plane to the Bahamas. But far more important than that is what it will mean to your waistline, because in saving that $417, you’ll also save 188,240 calories in a year—enough to shave a whopping 54 pounds of flab off your body! (Hey, take the 400 bucks and buy some new pants!)

See our eye-popping list of the 20 Worst Restaurant Foods in America for a jaw-dropping lineup of the BIGGEST and most outrageous secrets the restaurants don’t want you to know. And for tons more great nutrition and weight loss tips like these, sign up for the Eat This, Not That! newsletter—it’ll help you cut hundreds of calories from your daily diet, without ever feeling deprived!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Elton John - Imagine

Hello All:

Tony and I are working up some new restaurant reviews for you here, so please keep an eye out for our stuff here in the next few days or weeks!! I hope that you all have a great weekend!!